Dear friends,

the most helpful thing to do, would be if you could write protest letters in writing to polish government, president, and courts on behalf of Ryszard Matuszewski (read below). We believe that such action could make strong pressure on authorities who pay much attention to the opinions of international organizations. The more letters from different, foreign individuals, the greater chance to stop persecutions..
Macierz Association prepared email protest in the Internet,
which can be accesed and sent from this location.

Addresses for protests:

Regional Court in Bydgoszcz
SÄ…d Regionowy w Bydgoszczy

ref. no: IVK 856/04,
IV Ka 165/06
ul. Waly Jagiellonskie 2
85-128 Bydgoszcz

District Court in Czestochowa
Sąd Okręgowy w Częstochowie

ref. no: IV  Kp 457/06
ul. Dabrowskiego 23/35
42-200 Czestochowa

Penitentiary Court in Gliwice
SÄ…d Penitencjarny w Gliwicach

ref. no: III Kp 1038/06
ul. Kosciuszki
15 44-100 Gliwice

Chancellery of the President
of the Republic of Poland

Kancelaria Prezydenta RP
00-902 Warszawa
ul. Wiejska 10

Chancellery of the Prime Minister
of the Republic of Poland
Kancelaria Premiera RP

Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warszawa
Ministry of Justice
Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości
Prokuratura Generalna
Al. Ujazdowskie 11
00-950 Warszawa

Polish Ombudsman
Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich RP

dr Jan Kochanowski
Al. Solidarnosci 77
00-090 Warszawa


More information:
CONTACT with Ryszard Matuszewski
P.O. Box 247; 44-100 Gliwice 1; Poland

DONATE for victim of persecutions
Ryszard Matuszewski
Bank: BRE Bank - mBank, Poland
Account No: PL 48 1140 2004 0000 3102 3623 1989